Ah, Christmas in Hollywood.
I'm used to seeing the Hootchi Mama Elves on Hollywood Blvd. (In shop windows and, ahem, working)
This one was in shop window in a mall in Glendale, CA.
Don't ya love California?
Not one of the Democratic frontrunners has proposed a plan that would create anything like "government-run health care." All of the leading candidates have proposed plans that leave health care to private practice, but offer a government administered insurance pool for those who choose to use it or cannot obtain or afford private coverage.Bush used his radio address to once again make the case that he believes the spending increase sought primarily by Democrats is a step "toward their goal of government-run health care for every American."
"Government-run health care would deprive Americans of the choice and competition that comes from the private market," he said. "It would cause huge increases in government spending."
"Epileptic seizures can be provoked by a wide variety of triggers, but one cause increasingly evident to researchers is the playing - or even watching - of mahjong." - BBC News.
"Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani on Tuesday offered a consumer-oriented solution to the nation's health care woes that relies on giving individuals tax credits to purchase private insurance. Critical to Giuliani's plan is a $15,000 tax deduction for families to buy private health insurance, instead of getting insurance through employers...I'm curious, on what planet will private insurers drop their prices because they are selling more?
...The former New York mayor said as more people buy plans, insurers will drop their prices, making insurance affordable to those who lack it now."
""If your grandmother is mugged, it won't be a big deal [unless she is a lesbian]," Knight said. "And the law-enforcement authorities may have to put more of their revenues toward the mugging, say, of a homosexual guy walking down the street."
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Pilgrim Monument. This morning I toured the local Masonic lodge and learned that the Monument's cornerstone was laid by Teddy Roosevelt using a masonic trowel forged by Master Mason Paul Revere.
How cool is that!
My final stop before arriving on Cape Cod is Barlow's Clam Bar on Rt 6 in Bourne, overlooking the Cape Cod Canal. I just discovered this place a few years ago. They do a very good lobster roll, one avoiding all the more common pitfalls. They also have lobster "photo ops" where you can stick your head though and be photographed as a giant lobster - which is a big hit with the two to four year old set.
It's a good eight hours after I had lunch at Arthur Bryant's, and I am STILL full.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Bush administration said Tuesday it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease." - USA Today
“The bottom line is that insurance companies make money when they don’t pay claims,” said Mary Beth Senkewicz, who resigned last year as a senior executive at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. “They’ll do anything to avoid paying, because if they wait long enough, they know the policyholders will die.”As you read the NY Time article, bear in mind the Bush administration wants to dismantle Medicare and force everyone into the greedy clutches of exactly these private insurers. The radical free market wing of the Republican party argues that private business can meet people's needs more effectively than government programs. What is clear is that what big business does best is to protect the interests of big business.
"President Bush on Saturday accused Democrats who are moving anti-war legislation through Congress of using troops as leverage to win domestic political battles."Wait a minute - do they think the public is completely stupid? Using the troops to win domestic policy battles is the Bush regime's stock in trade. Aren't these the same folks who silence debate by accusing anyone who disagrees with them of "not supporting the troops"?
"Roderick told deputies he thought Cheesman was a nutria swimming in the Smith River near Reedsport, about 90 miles southwest of Eugene, and shot him with a .22-caliber rifle, police said." - CNN
"In March 2006, President Bush signed the reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act. Included in that bill was a provision allowing interim U.S. attorneys appointed by the president to serve indefinitely without Senate confirmation." - Radley Balko, quoted in Fox News.
"I hope God will help us shoot down their planes."- Sheik Mohamoud Ibrahim Suley, a leader of the Somali Islamic Party currently at war with Ethiopia.
Left coast, center-left leaning musings on politics, my life, and da state o' the World.