"President Bush on Saturday accused Democrats who are moving anti-war legislation through Congress of using troops as leverage to win domestic political battles."Wait a minute - do they think the public is completely stupid? Using the troops to win domestic policy battles is the Bush regime's stock in trade. Aren't these the same folks who silence debate by accusing anyone who disagrees with them of "not supporting the troops"?
The appalling medical care crises in the VA goes hand in glove with the administration's disdain for the middle class and the poor.
The window dressing around "fixing" the VA crisis ignores the fact that caring for the service folks wounded in this war will cost billion and billions of dollars for the next thirty or forty years. These funds have not been allocated under any of the President's supplemental spending bills. In this bit of budget sneakery, "supplemental" can be translated as "we don't want to fess up to the war's real cost, either in dollars or lives." They'd prefer to pass those costs along to your great-grandchildren, the better to force dismantling the social safety net down the road.
The administration clearly doesn't really care about effectively managing policy to provide for the troops*, they care about "appearing" to care about the troops.
As Edward Albee said in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe: "Truth or illusion George, truth or illusion?"
*Actually the President doesn't cotton to policy at all, given his professed disdain for reading.