Did you notice the weird moment in the Cyndy McCain bio-pic shown at the RNC, describing John and Cyndy's first meeting?
The film said: "Cyndy, who was 24 told John she was 28. John, who was 41 told Cyndy he was 37."
They both lied about their age - isn't that just darling?
Presumably the RNC was trying to finesse the 17 year age difference between them. (A difference that isn't at all creepy at 71 and 54, but could be perceived as a tad creepy at 41 and 24.)
What I found illuminating about this was something totally different. The not so subtle subtext is: "I'm willing to lie to get what I want."
That's pretty revealing when you look at how many of his principled positions John McCain has tossed out in his pursuit of the Republican nomination. Watching him jettison one ofter another position to appeal to the radical right has been a nauseating exercise in politics as usual.
Straight Talk?
I'm not so sure.