Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"That bus don't run after Eight." - Conservatives see through Bush?

From a recent article on the conservative Human Events Online site - "Bush Is Running Out of Alibis" by Patrick J. Buchanan:
"But what has done more to radicalize Islam than our invasion of Iraq? Who has done more to empower Islamic radicals than Bush with his clamor for elections across a region radicalized by our own policies?"

You know it's been a tough year for progressives when Pat Buchanan starts to make sense.

Pat is a bit like a homeless guy I encountered at a bus stop in LA last year.

Several of us were waiting at the RAPID (super-express) bus stop. Nearby, a man was street preaching to anyone who would listen. He had a homemade telepathic uplink to Mars made of tinfoil perched on his head. He was waiting at the non-express bus stop.

This man spent the better part of an hour ranting and raving about the men from Mars, thier plans for world domination, and the transmitter they had implanted in his head.

The sane among us huddled together, sure that we would get where we were going sooner aboard the RAPID bus.

The (slow) bus pulled in. As the Martian telepath climbed aboard it he called out to us "That bus don't run after Eight."

Whoosh - the doors closed and we were left behind, choking on his exhaust.

A flash of common sense had winked at us from behind the veil of insanity.

My smugness was shattered. The awareness that I'd be waiting another forty minutes for my bus dawned with painful clarity.

It's a bit like Pat on Bush - N'est Pas?

Whatever else you think of him, Pat has some darn goods points on Bush.

Hopefully we won't all be left waiting at the electoral bus stop, with the realization of what is really going on dawning slowly...

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