Saturday, October 06, 2007

Bush hints at spending more on children's health bill -

Bush hints at spending more on children's health bill -

Once again the Bush administration is grossly distorting the truth for political gain. According to CNN -

Bush used his radio address to once again make the case that he believes the spending increase sought primarily by Democrats is a step "toward their goal of government-run health care for every American."

"Government-run health care would deprive Americans of the choice and competition that comes from the private market," he said. "It would cause huge increases in government spending."

Not one of the Democratic frontrunners has proposed a plan that would create anything like "government-run health care." All of the leading candidates have proposed plans that leave health care to private practice, but offer a government administered insurance pool for those who choose to use it or cannot obtain or afford private coverage.

You will be free to keep the private coverage you have now. The quality of care we receive will not change, and can be delivered at less cost because private insurers will not be milking the system for their personal profit.

(They will still be free to milk those who choose to stay with for-profit insurers.)

What is really going on here is the sheer panic in the Republican ranks that the tide is turning, that people in the US are sick and tired (literally) of being forced to patronize for profit insurers. That insurance industry is a huge cash cow for Republicans, donating literally billions to them to maintain the seriously broken status quo.

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