Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cheney accidentally shoots fellow hunter - Feb 12, 2006 - Cheney accidentally shoots fellow hunter - Feb 12, 2006

This one is just too, too good. Who knew the Rove obsession with de-funding trial lawyers would lead to gunplay?

The obvious jokes are all there; "shoot first, spin later", "Don't shoot till you see the whites of thier oil" etc. It has been sickening to watch Scott McClellan and Cheney duck and feint to try and portray the accident as being Whittington's fault.

The best so far has been Jim Brady's (of the Brady Bill) comment on the matter.

When asked what he thought of the shooting, Brady replied - "Now I understand why Dick Cheney keeps asking me to go hunting with him."

On Feb 16th the Veep broke his prolonged silence and spoke with Fox "News" about the shooting. As reported in the Washington Post - he blamed the controversy on jealousy among the press corps that a small Texas newspaper got the story first.

Oh yeah - the Vice President shoots a friend, doesn't acknowledge it until his host takes matters into her own hands and calls the local paper and the controversy is due to internecine bickering...
That's plausible...

Perhaps the delay was so everyone could coordinate thier stories?

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