Methicillin Resistant Staph infection is a growing problem worldwide. I am angry that very few media outlets are covering the role of sub-therapeutic antibiotic feeding of factory farmed animals in this frightening medical problem. Just this week a NC woman died of MRSA.
Most news stories like the LA times one referenced above mention the over prescription and misuse of antibiotics as being the root cause. While this is one aspect of the problem; the agricultural misuse of antibiotics goes on unchecked in the commercial beef, pork, salmon, and chicken and egg industries. Many nations in Europe have banned the practice, but of course US Agricultural interests have co-opted the USDA and silenced the debate here.
Few commercial media outlets will touch this story, as some of their most profitable advertisers are involved. Public Broadcasting has begun to address it, but the story is not getting anywhere near the prominence it deserves. How do you think it would scan with the public if headlined "US industries recklessly endanger human life to squeeze out additional pennies of profit?"
Wait a minute - that could be a daily headline...
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